From Anxiety
to Productivity
Email Course by DMITRIY TARASOV,
founder of Chaos Control
Transforming anxiety into productivity with the Systems Principle
About the Course
The most faithful companion of an ambitious person is stress.

The typical recommendation for dealing with anxiety sounds like this: exercise, meditate, eat well, sleep, and do yoga. While these activities undoubtedly have their benefits, they often fall short when it comes to coping with anxiety caused by heavy workload and lack of time.

Fitness and meditation might help you to get through a breakup, but they won’t address the awful feeling that things are spiraling out of control when you face a daily onslaught of tasks, calls, and constantly shifting priorities. Being a busy person as you are, you need something more effective.

It's crucial to understand that the large volume of tasks, communication, and responsibilities isn't actually the issue. The real problem is lack of desired results. If, despite working hard, you don’t fulfill your natural ambitions, anxiety only grows over time, leading to chronic stress and burnout.
There is a formula which importance is comparable to Einstein's famous equation:
In the context of a life of a person who has serious goals and works hard, this formula looks like this:
The good news is that you can work on improving results through planning techniques and the Systems Principle. We will be talking about that a lot throughout this email course.
It’s simple:
If your results meet your expectations, you’ll stay energized and optimistic.
If they don’t, you’ll be in anxiety, stress, and on the path to burnout.
The main goal of the course is to show you how to replace paralyzing anxiety with work efficiency by building a systematic approach to managing your tasks.

You won’t be listening to calming stories narrated by soothing voices telling you to take a deep breath. Anxiety will only leave once you start seeing results. Join the course to learn how to organize your activities in a way that allows you to achieve those results as quickly as possible.
How The Email Course Works
  • After purchasing the course, for the next 10 days we will send you one email per day, each covering a specific topic.

  • You can go through the material at your own pace, reading the content and following the recommendations.

  • Each email contains a homework assignment, which you will complete to gradually implement a systematic approach to self-organization, ensuring calm progress towards results and relief from anxiety.

  • There is also an option to choose a package with 2 personal consultations, where we will analyze your specific situation and the challenges you're facing.
Course Program
  • 1
    Module 1: Types of Anxiety and the Problems They Cause
    In the first email, we’ll explore different life and work scenarios that typically trigger anxiety and reduce productivity. To tackle the issue, it’s essential to recognize the enemy — in this case, anxiety — and understand what exactly triggers you and leads to a sense of overwhelm.

    We’ll also discuss why stress is a normal part of life and work, and why even those who seem like unshakable, ultra-productive robots experience similar challenges. Recognizing that you're not alone in these feelings is the first step toward overcoming them. Understanding the types of anxiety you face will allow you to start working on practical solutions.
  • 2
    Module 2: The Key Method for Reducing Anxiety
    As mentioned in the course description, the best way to worry less is to achieve more results. The most effective tool for quickly creating a sense of accomplishment is the Systems Principle. In the second email, we’ll dive into how to apply this principle in your daily work and track your progress through tools like Chaos Control and other similar techniques.

    You’ll learn how to break down large, overwhelming tasks into manageable steps, ensuring you can see tangible results along the way. This approach will not only reduce anxiety but also provide a sense of control and direction, allowing you to make steady progress while staying calm and focused.
  • 3
    Module 3: From Chaos to Systems
    Having covered the basics of the System Principle, this email will focus on how to manage multiple types of activities simultaneously, each with equally important tasks. We’ll explore how to create systems and distribute them across time or days of the week.

    The main goal of this and the previous emails is to help you structure your schedule in a way that allows you to achieve steady, incremental results each day, bringing you closer to solving larger, more complex tasks. By doing so, you’ll gradually improve your work efficiency and overall productivity.

    This approach will not only help you manage your time more effectively but also increase your work energy and reduce anxiety.
  • 4
    Module 4: Quick Methods for Fighting Stress
    Well-known methods for reducing anxiety — such as fitness, nutrition, sleep, and other physical/physiological activities — often seem obvious and therefore somewhat trivial. However, when applied through the lens of the System Principle, these activities take on a much more structured and effective approach.

    In the fourth email, we’ll explore how to integrate quick and simple methods for improving your psychological well-being into your daily schedule. You’ll learn how to incorporate these stress-reducing techniques seamlessly, so they work as part of your system rather than just isolated activities.

    We’ll also look at a less known but incredibly important factor: the visual system and its impact on mood. By understanding how visual stimuli affect your state of mind, you’ll be able to optimize your environment to improve focus, reduce anxiety, and boost overall mental clarity.
  • 5
    Module 5: Sorting Through the Chaos
    While systems are essential, we all know that life doesn’t always goes according to plan. Unplanned urgent tasks, crises, and unforeseen circumstances often create chaos and anxiety. Therefore, it’s crucial to learn how to balance your planning approach — aimed at achieving long-term results — with the need to handle immediate problems as they arise.

    In this module, we’ll explore how to integrate problem-solving strategies with your existing systems. You’ll learn how to swiftly manage urgent tasks without derailing your broader goals, and how to apply the System Principle during the busiest of times.

    This module will teach you how to stay calm and organized in the midst of chaos, ensuring that unexpected issues don’t overwhelm you, but instead become a manageable part of your overall productivity strategy.
  • 6
    Module 6: Building Effective Work Communication
    Communication with colleagues, partners, and clients is a well-known source of stress. Workplace conflicts are a common cause of paralysis, draining both energy and attention. The constant flow of DMs and endless Zoom calls only add to the feeling of losing control over what’s happening.

    The problem is further accelerated by the fact that discussions about work (aka meetings) aren't actually work — and, therefore, they don’t lead to tangible results. And as we’ve discussed earlier, without results, there’s no peace of mind.

    In this module, we’ll break down strategies to optimize these communications. You’ll learn how to manage your interactions more effectively, reduce unnecessary distractions, and ensure that each conversation is purposeful, streamlined, and aligned with your productivity system. This way, you’ll regain control over your communication channels, turning them from stress-inducing tasks into productive, results-oriented exchanges.
  • 7
    Module 7: Reducing Dependency on News and Social Media
    When it comes to managing anxiety, we can't ignore the elephant in the room. The current news often promotes anxiety, and social media creates distorted perceptions of reality and standards. Everyone knows that consuming less of this content is important for mental well-being, but few are able to truly make it happen.

    In this module, we'll explore several strategies and techniques to help you reduce your dependence on news and social media. You'll learn how to reclaim your focus and avoid the constant cycle of distraction and anxiety that comes with endless scrolling and information overload. By applying these methods, you'll start to regain control over your attention and reduce unnecessary stress, allowing you to focus on what truly matters.
  • 8
    Module 8: Overcoming Impostor and the Blank Slate Syndromes
    Starting something new and ambitious is challenging. But this is not the real problem. The real issue is spending years thinking about a dream or a project and doing nothing to bring it to life.

    Over time, these unfulfilled desires create a negative self-image, which can potentially lead to depressive states. It’s better to not have any desires at all than to have them and take no action.

    Two of the most common blockers on the path to significant change are Impostor and the Blank Slate Syndromes. In this module, we’ll discuss how to overcome these mental barriers.

    You’ll learn how to recognize and challenge the thoughts that fuel these self-doubts, and how to take the first steps toward change, even when it feels overwhelming. By addressing these psychological roadblocks, you’ll be empowered to begin meaningful projects and move forward with confidence.
  • 9
    Module 9: Systems for Boosting Self-Confidence
    Anxiety often stems from a lack of self-confidence, and naturally, it diminishes as confidence grows. At the beginning of the course, we discussed how systematically achieving small, incremental results is one of the best ways to boost your self-esteem. In this final module, we’ll expand on additional strategies and life hacks to further increase your self-confidence.

    You’ll learn practical methods for strengthening your belief in yourself, overcoming self-doubt, and building resilience in the face of challenges. We’ll also review key takeaways from the course, ensuring you leave with a solid action plan to continue applying the Systems Principle and achieving greater productivity and peace of mind long after the course ends.
  • 10
    Module 10: Conclusion
    In this final module, we will summarize the key insights and takeaways from the course, helping you consolidate everything you’ve learned.

    You’ll receive a link to the final PDF, which contains the core content of the course for easy reference and continued use.

    This PDF will serve as a handy guide to the Systems Principle and the strategies we've discussed, so you can revisit the material whenever needed. We’ll also provide some final recommendations for how to keep applying the methods and stay on track toward sustained productivity, reduced anxiety, and long-term success.
Pricing Plans
Basic Plan
Basic Plan
  • 10 course emails with assignments
Tilda Publishing
  • Assignment reviews and feedback from the course author
Advanced Plan
Advanced Plan
  • 10 course emails with assignments
  • Assignment reviews and feedback from the course author
  • 2 personal consultations with the course author via Zoom to help you implement and monitor your progress using the Systems Principle
Dmitry Tarasov
Course Author
Founder of Chaos Control